Years ago, Tamil novelist Jeyamohan wrote Ezham Ulagam, which he says, in the foreword to the book’s English translation, sent him back into a world he had forced himself to forget. This English translation, he called The Abyss. Published in April by Juggernaut Books, The Abyss hurls its reader into a world hidden in plain sight — an exploitative world of begging cartels; a world where physical disabilities become currency not by empowering, but by reducing disability into commodities.
Jeyamohan’s The Abyss hurls readers into an exploitative world hidden in plain sight
The Abyss- Amazon
‘The Abyss’ – an English translation of Jeyamohan’s Tamil novel ‘Ezhaam Ulagam’
Jeyamohan interview: Ezhaam Ulagam, or The Abyss, is a spiritual inquiry into beggars’ lives