சுஜாதா அறிமுகம்
I thought, it is my duty to respond. Your blog didnt allow me a reply there.
Just happened to visit your blog & read your views on Sujatha’s writing. Looks like anybody can write anything about anybody. How that anybody gets the guts to write such scrap.
Your writing is the height of arrogance. The whole Tamil reading community knows that nobody can fill Sujatha’s absence in terms of his Tamil richness, literature, awareness on world literature, inventions, binding Tamil into the new technology , his style of writing, writing in all the varieties including poetry etc.
If Sujatha’s writings are not literature then what would be called as one. Can you pl.explain.
Expecting maturity from Writers,
அன்புள்ள தேவ்
இருபதாண்டுக்காலமாக நான் முயன்றுவருவது முதிர்ச்சிக்காகத்தான். மேலும் முயல்கிறேன்